zaterdag 12 maart 2011


as much as your empty words
appreciated by me
so little will they fill
what thought could be there

try to sooth with sweet words
put you as first priority
instead of my own

selfishness was not something
that I learned along the way
as long as others are okay
I could be as well, right?

that won’t cut it no more
however, where do we go from here
confused how I need to change
acting to my belonged rights

it feels as if I stopped
crashed and broke down
fell over a ridge
where I was hanging for days, weeks

believed I was able
to pull myself up again

next time need to remember
whilst giving myself a breather
sitting on that ridge, looking back down

how lonely it felt
no hand put out to help find
the way back up

have to do it all on own strength
put on that fake smile
pretend alright, that’s what it’s gonna be
leave it all behind, move forward

the past, that shimmers right on in

- M. Trienekens -

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