zondag 3 april 2011

Changing colours

Watch it happen once in a while
eyes turning a different shade of green

as to in early days lightness shone
darkness has claimed permanent residence

with each new experience over recent years
a troublesome view took over the decisions

doubtfulness as a key aspect in my life
no longer being certain ever to find

when chips keep breaking off to leave behind
a heart that will never be whole again

in what way can rays of light show positivity
while shades try to cover the implacable truth

am I already grasped by failure in love
or might there just be something I am missing out on?

- M. Trienekens -

Paid with tears

Love was paid with tears last night
when you stopped the feeling
that was growing by the day
in an instant with those simple words

the way the door slammed
when you walked out on us
felt like the key broke off in the lock
never to be opened again

now counting back the weeks
from start to abrupt finish
doesn’t even feel as if
we made the first mile by far

hurdles haven’t been jumped
obstacles were never in sight
that slight curve in the turn
was enough to get off balance

we are back to the beginning
of not knowing one another
continuing our separate lives
searching for what seems, the unfindable

- M. Trienekens -

Schriftelijke afwijzing

letters staan uitgeschreven
belezend woord voor woord
belerend en onbegrepen
hoe het gevoel dood is gebloed

druppels op het papier
tonend de harde werkelijkheid
van het uitgewreven zwart
vloekend op het smetteloze wit

nu de inkt is uitgelopen
tonend vervlogen vertrouwelijkheden
de overblijfselen van papier
verschrompeld en gescheurd

de lei wordt schoongeveegd
inkt aangevuld
en de pen wordt doorgegeven
wachtend op een nieuwe smet

- M. Trienekens -