woensdag 26 oktober 2011


wandering through a maze
of false conclusions
pebbles resembling lost hope

paths that have been walked
still being walked
without remembrance

a turn before a turn
looking back to where
did I come from

all that looks familiar
but different in some way
leaves me stepping forward

what lies hidden
behind the other bend

leading me further
closer or no where near
a final destination

- M. Trienekens -

dinsdag 6 september 2011

A dreamer's dream

I used to dream a dreamer’s dream
filled high on life in the sky
my bubble grew in days, months
even as long as years it lasted

reality low at my feet seemed
as untouchable as perfectly true love
my glaze over crystal clear horizons
made no need to wake from slumber

but pressure at these altitudes
changed circumstances for the worse
with air thickening from inside
all was to wait for the final bang

down, down till I fell towards the end
of a made up own actuality
waiting for the creation of new illusions
in which to crawl and hide away

- M. Trienekens -

donderdag 30 juni 2011

Amore per sempre

Mannen, ik snap het niet

Je n'ai comprends pas

Ich verstehe ihnen nicht

Guys, I just don't understand

zitten we op een ander niveau
een vervreemde denkwijze?

cannot seem to level
up to your playing field

Spreek verschillende talen
maar niet die van jullie
of jullie die van mijn hart
dat fluistert met de wind

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

One specific

I just said goodbye
but all that remains
is a feeling of
incomplete closure

No broken heart
only emptiness
from nothingness
that was (n)ever there

it was an itinerary
chosen to be walked
all alone in the end

While all continues
to move along
I feel stuck to
a feeling
a moment

With no basis whatsoever
still clinging to hold on
to your soft touch
which once captured me

In the end got too attached
without any intentions
to ever do say or feel like
I love you, I do.

- M. Trienekens -

maandag 30 mei 2011


I used to cry so easily
now not a single tear
will roll down my face

thinking of you
won’t even break the waters
only fills up the sky

at a zombie state of mind
eyes that stare empty-shelled
I’m creating my own demise

the open ending
leaves little space for me
to look past the present

whilst decisions lay in other hands
I don’t even dare to look
at the newly turned over page

- M. Trienekens -

zondag 8 mei 2011


wanneer je ogen zich opensperren
het loslatend met een uitademing
vervaagt een geschapen beeld

proberend het vast te houden
maar wat overblijft toont zich als schim
nooit meer helder als een werkelijkheid

mysteries van de ochtenddauw
wat er in de donkerste uurtjes van de dag
van binnenin heeft plaatsgevonden

voordat de eerste zonnestralen
herinneringen van de nacht doen vervagen
grijp het vast, als een laatste strohalm

schets de contouren van de nacht
op de blankheid van een pagina
het vastleggend als eeuwige herinnering

- M. Trienekens -

zondag 3 april 2011

Changing colours

Watch it happen once in a while
eyes turning a different shade of green

as to in early days lightness shone
darkness has claimed permanent residence

with each new experience over recent years
a troublesome view took over the decisions

doubtfulness as a key aspect in my life
no longer being certain ever to find

when chips keep breaking off to leave behind
a heart that will never be whole again

in what way can rays of light show positivity
while shades try to cover the implacable truth

am I already grasped by failure in love
or might there just be something I am missing out on?

- M. Trienekens -

Paid with tears

Love was paid with tears last night
when you stopped the feeling
that was growing by the day
in an instant with those simple words

the way the door slammed
when you walked out on us
felt like the key broke off in the lock
never to be opened again

now counting back the weeks
from start to abrupt finish
doesn’t even feel as if
we made the first mile by far

hurdles haven’t been jumped
obstacles were never in sight
that slight curve in the turn
was enough to get off balance

we are back to the beginning
of not knowing one another
continuing our separate lives
searching for what seems, the unfindable

- M. Trienekens -

Schriftelijke afwijzing

letters staan uitgeschreven
belezend woord voor woord
belerend en onbegrepen
hoe het gevoel dood is gebloed

druppels op het papier
tonend de harde werkelijkheid
van het uitgewreven zwart
vloekend op het smetteloze wit

nu de inkt is uitgelopen
tonend vervlogen vertrouwelijkheden
de overblijfselen van papier
verschrompeld en gescheurd

de lei wordt schoongeveegd
inkt aangevuld
en de pen wordt doorgegeven
wachtend op een nieuwe smet

- M. Trienekens -

zondag 20 maart 2011

Exit wounds

My hands are cold
My body's numb
I'm still in shock
What have you done
My head is pounding
My vision's blur
Your mouth is moving
I don't hear a word

And it hurts so bad
That I search my skin
For the entry point
Where love went in
And ricocheted
And bounced around
And left a hole when you walked out

Marks a battle
Still feel raw
A million pieces of me
On the floor
I'm damaged goods
For all to see
Now who would ever want to be with me

I've got all the baggage
Drink the pills
Yeah this is living but without the will
I'm blacken out
I'm shutting down
You've left a hole
You walked out yeah

I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds
I don't know how much more love this, heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from these exit wounds

- The Script -

zaterdag 12 maart 2011


as much as your empty words
appreciated by me
so little will they fill
what thought could be there

try to sooth with sweet words
put you as first priority
instead of my own

selfishness was not something
that I learned along the way
as long as others are okay
I could be as well, right?

that won’t cut it no more
however, where do we go from here
confused how I need to change
acting to my belonged rights

it feels as if I stopped
crashed and broke down
fell over a ridge
where I was hanging for days, weeks

believed I was able
to pull myself up again

next time need to remember
whilst giving myself a breather
sitting on that ridge, looking back down

how lonely it felt
no hand put out to help find
the way back up

have to do it all on own strength
put on that fake smile
pretend alright, that’s what it’s gonna be
leave it all behind, move forward

the past, that shimmers right on in

- M. Trienekens -

maandag 24 januari 2011


You are annoying the living daylight out of me
claiming my every way in life
clearly trying to own all that breaths me
persistent and arrogate in a form
no one ever managed to be

the interrogating questions speak
nothing but doubt from your own mouth
showing the incapability and ignorance
keeping your unconfident self-being together

fed up, sick and tired with the mind games
practised out as if I were an experiment
showing the cracks of a failed outcome
where your numbers did not add up in the end
and the equation solved itself

all that I feel left to say
is not even a goodbye or farewell
however pine you will not parish
under your own blindness for the shed of light
one once will cast in your inferno

- M. Trienekens -

zondag 16 januari 2011

Losbreken van Huis

het gevoel van stilte
drukt een stempel
als aankondiging van de storm
die vast land raakt
door gaat razen
totdat niets meer recht staat
steen voor steen
tegen de vlakte geslagen

woorden penetreren
tot aan het trommelvlies
doorscheuren de weke delen
een destructieve golf
van overbodig vocabulaire

afstotend al dat lief had
gevoelens van een
losgebroken navelstreng
waaraan noodlottig
vastgegrepen wordt

het eigen leven
dient verplaatst te worden
meenemend fundamenten
dat het huis gescheurd
achter zal laten

in een staat
van krampachtigheid
terugblikkend naar tijden
waarin wind geen plaats vond
voorspelt een toekomst
als stilte voor de storm

- M. Trienekens -

donderdag 13 januari 2011

This old love

Heard an amazing song on the radio, which is now like stuck in my mind. Just need to share it!

We're movin' on
Looking for direction
We've covered much ground
Thinking back to innocence
I can no longer connect
I don' t have a heart left to throw around

Oh, and time moves on like a train
That disappears into the night sky
Yeah, I still get a sad feeling inside
to see the red tail lights wave goodbye

We'll grow old together
We'll grow old together
And this love will never
This old love will never die

Well money slips into your hands
And then slips out like it was sand
And those shoes that you could never seem to fill
I've chased so much and lost my way
Maybe a face for every day
That so casually slipped me by

Morning comes
Sometimes with a smile
Sometimes with a frown
Yeah so I never want to worry
If you're gonna stay around

So let's grow old together
Baby you and I will
We'll grow old together
And this love will never
This old love will never die

Yes, yeah we're movin' on
Movin' right along