donderdag 30 juni 2011

Amore per sempre

Mannen, ik snap het niet

Je n'ai comprends pas

Ich verstehe ihnen nicht

Guys, I just don't understand

zitten we op een ander niveau
een vervreemde denkwijze?

cannot seem to level
up to your playing field

Spreek verschillende talen
maar niet die van jullie
of jullie die van mijn hart
dat fluistert met de wind

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

One specific

I just said goodbye
but all that remains
is a feeling of
incomplete closure

No broken heart
only emptiness
from nothingness
that was (n)ever there

it was an itinerary
chosen to be walked
all alone in the end

While all continues
to move along
I feel stuck to
a feeling
a moment

With no basis whatsoever
still clinging to hold on
to your soft touch
which once captured me

In the end got too attached
without any intentions
to ever do say or feel like
I love you, I do.

- M. Trienekens -